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~ ♫ ~

:: 我喜欢。雨天。23/04/12

:: 我的第一本插画电子书 ~《星星不见了》, 已经出街了,APPLE APP 形式下载。
谢谢你们!:) 12/11/12

:: Apple App download 星星不見了


Apple Tree Under Dusk

最近的世界实在是太多灾难了...... 又风灾又地震, 之前又有暴风雪, 海啸..... 好像地球开始在rebel, 要玩尽一切折磨人类的游戏..... 因为人为灾害太多, 所以就以自然灾害来作抗议吗? 也许吧!
那一年, 我18岁..... 有位虔诚的基督徒老师告诉我说:"你们这一代, 有可能在30年内看到基督降临人世, 在世界末日那一天..." 如果是真的, 那我活着的每一天都更应该去珍惜吧? 我不懂..... 也许我活着, 就已经是一种罪孽和奢侈!

我很喜欢树.... 因为它们很伟大很漂亮, 静静地在地球上的一个点, 伫立亿万斯年.... 摇曳生命的灿烂. 与风谈情说爱, 用落叶记载活过的痕迹......

这棵苹果树开在美丽的黄昏山丘上. 掉落的苹果映射生命的脆弱..... 落叶漫天飞舞, 也就像生命的更迭轮回, 和短暂...... 其实很多时候, 大地所呈现的也只是一种必然的规律.... 也许我们在经历一场世纪的洗礼, 需要心灵的净化.....

只要还活着....... 就好好活下去吧...... 活得美美的.......
(讨厌自己像在浪费生命, 看了我画的画, 会让人心更美吗? 汲汲营营的人生, 还有多少时间去浪费?)

Drawing done on 26/05/08


The Secret of the Sheep

Tat day get to know tat my fren, Caroline, she is pregnant... OMG! So much happy, and touching..... Feel like crying leh.... ^^ Wanna draw 3 pics for the BB, this is 1 of the series, which i love most.... The secret of the sheep? Wat is the secret? Born as a piece a cloud? Hehe..... So much gentle, pure, innocent and lovely....... ^^
Flying towards u..... The one who always on my mind.....
Close my eyes..... dreaming of u.....
Drawing done on 23/05/08


Apple Lake

I love tis drawing so much..... Satisfied with the soothing colour of the lake. The little sunflower boat setted with the faceted blue sapphire heart, which reflect the lake's spirit.

Apple is featured in my drawing, representing fresh, pure, honest, satisfaction, passionate and beautiful...... Human beings, should be live like tat so......

Drawing done on 13/05/08


Caca Coffee Shop

LOL y named as Caca coffee shop? Me oso no idea...... Thinking may bcos someone in my mind, my dear fren, Caroline... ^^ She likes coffee and very photogenic. Modern retro is our fashion style, if really has tis kind of coffee shop in the world, she may wanna work as a coffee gal here. LOL
Drawing done on 13/05/08.

Apple Valley

Done tis drawing on 12/05/08. Inspired from those village in fairy tales. Apples are floating on the tree, warm-hearted, simple yet happy community in harmony with nature. All just under a nice dusk......